In honor of Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser’s birthday–October 20, 1918– here’s Claire’s first scene from WRITTEN IN MY HEART’S OWN BLOOD. (NO, I don’t have pub date for this book. I’m not done _writing_ it, for heaven’s sake. When it’s done, I’ll tell you, OK? (I’m hoping to have it finished by the end of 2012. Meanwhile, THE SCOTTISH PRISONER and Jamie will perhaps help tide you over–that one comes out next month–November 29th))
Copyright 2011 Diana Gabaldon
Mrs. Figg was smoothly spherical, gleamingly black, and inclined to glide silently up behind one like a menacing ball-bearing.
“What’s this?” she barked, manifesting herself suddenly behind Jenny.
“Holy Mother of God!” Jenny whirled, eyes round and hand pressed to her chest. “Who in God’s name are you?”
“This is Mrs. Figg,” I said, feeling a surreal urge to laugh, despite–or maybe because of–recent events. “Lord John Grey’s cook. And Mrs. Figg, this is Mrs. Murray. My, um…my…”
“Your good-sister,” Jenny said firmly. She raised one black eyebrow. “If ye’ll have me, still?” Her look was straight and open, and the urge to laugh changed abruptly into an equally strong urge to burst into tears. Of all the unlikely sources of succor I could have imagined… I took a deep breath and put out my hand.
“I’ll have you.”
Her small firm fingers wove through mine, and as simply as that, it was done. No need for apologies or spoken forgiveness. She’d never had to wear the mask that Jamie did. What she thought and felt was there in her eyes, those slanted blue cat-eyes she shared with her brother. She knew me, now, for what I was—and knew I loved—had always loved–her brother with all my heart and soul–despite the minor complications of being presently married to someone else. And that knowledge obliterated years of mistrust, suspicion, and injury.
She heaved a sigh, eyes closing for an instant, then opened them and smiled at me, mouth trembling only a little.
“Well, fine and dandy,” said Mrs. Figg, shortly. She narrowed her eyes and rotated smoothly on her axis, taking in the panorama of destruction. The railing at the top of the stair had been ripped off, and cracked banisters, dented walls, and bloody smudges marked the path of William’s descent. Shattered crystals from the chandelier littered the floor, glinting festively in the light that poured through the open front door, the door itself hanging drunkenly from one hinge.
“Merde on toast,” Mrs. Figg murmured. She turned abruptly to me, her small black-currant eyes still narrowed. “Where’s his lordship?”
“Ah,” I said. This was going to be rather sticky, I saw. While deeply disapproving of most people, Mrs. Figg was devoted to John. She wasn’t going to be at all pleased to hear that he’d been abducted by–
“For that matter, where’s my brother?” Jenny inquired, glancing round as though expecting Jamie to appear suddenly out from under the settee.
“Oh,” I said. “Hm. Well…” Possibly worse than sticky. Because…
“And where’s my Sweet William?” Mrs. Figg demanded, sniffing the air. “He’s been here; I smell that stinky cologne he puts on his linen.” She nudged a dislodged chunk of plaster disapprovingly with the toe of her shoe.
I took another long, deep breath, and a tight grip on what remained of my sanity.
Mrs. Figg,” I said, “perhaps you would be so kind as to make us all a cup of tea?”
[end section]
Hi Diana,
I have just recently come from Scotland and visited some of the places where Jamie and Claire lived. Something about that area just calls me home.. although all of my family is from Ireland. Thank you for the hours and hours of pleasure sharing their story !! Jenny is a true to life character all by herself.. and I love that she is going to be a featured person.. Keep writing and Happy Birthday Claire !!!
Happy Birthday, Claire!!!
Jenny Murray has always been such an open-minded individual that I’ve often wondered why Claire didn’t tell her about herself long before she actually did. I am so pleased to know that the bond of friendship these two women shared before Culloden has finally been restored. Thank you for the excerpts and daily lines; “Moby” promises to be another thrill ride.
Brings tears to my eyes (Claire and Jenny’s reconnection of hearts) and chuckles ( Claire’s how to explain this). Oh what a tangled web you weave…… Love it!!!!
I’m on pins and needles waiting for the next installment. Happy birthday Claire!
It makes my heart happy to know that Jennie and Claire reconcile. I to, feel like these characters are family that I have been missing. It’s good to hear other people feel the same. People who have not read the books just don’t understand.
Ah, Happy Birthday Claire! I so miss you all!
Thank you Diana, for giving us so many outstandingly heroic characters to find solace and inspiration from. What an amazing gift you are to all of us who long to feel connected to the tangible functionality of living that all of your characters resonate. I often find myself reflecting on them and asking “How would Clair deal with this? Or What would Jamie do about that?” They never fail to add a bit more iron to my own back bone and help me to get things done.
For all of your devoted fans, I find that having the books in unabridged audio versions is excellent when feeling the need of a bit of brogue and inspiration. Davina Porter has been the best narrator in a long running series ever.
Much Love and Appreciation for all you do!
Davina Porter is absolutely brilliant.
I never thought that I would enjoy audio books; that they were somehow a cop-out for those too lazy to read. BUT….. They are marvellous, the perfect combination of one’s own imagination and a ‘voice’ with the characters so honestly rendered that it is just like reading.
Davina Porter will always be the ‘voice’ for the characters in my head now. Her English, Scots, French, Latin, Native American, Gaelic and American accents are outstanding.
I have hard cover, paper back copies, e-book, and audio versions of the entire ‘Outlander’ series.
They are a wonderful addition to one’s ‘Gabaldon’ library.
I listen to my ‘Outlander’ audio books in the car, while I clean the house, while I iron, and in bed at night to drown out the noise of my husband’s snores!
What a life saver!
I love Claire. She is one of literatures greatest heroines. When I saw this quote I thought for sure she had spoken out of the pages at me. I bought a t-shirt with it on it.
“Well behaved women rarely make history”
- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich.
Cheers Diana, have an awsome time in Vancouver!
I invested in both books and CDs, which means I can listen on my 35 minute commute to work. 3rd time through. You know the characters have been genuinely crafted when you get mad at them, in the car. I get a litte carried away and make hand gestures, etc., which is somewhat embarrassing when you’re stopped at a light and the next driver wonders what on earth is bothering you. “Quit being so pig-headed you big lout!” Umm, not you driving the Prius, I’m talking to Jamie!
Happy Birthday Claire! A Libran, naturally!
A Taurus (Jamie) and a Libra (Claire)? I’m not much of a horoscope reader or believer, but can’t imagine the combination! Anyway, am looking forward to the new book. It’s funny how just reading that small portion of dialogue brought it all back in a flood.
Thanks Diana for the relentless work ethic and overactive creativity…it’s kind of like managing a football team isn’t it?
This is what I called sweet torture, can’t wait to read the rest, thanks Diana.
Thank you for bringing the world of Outlander to me. It was something I shared with my Mother while she was ill. For my 40th birthday she sent me a hardbound copy that you had signed. Though we were miles apart we read them together. My Mother passed not long after I received the signed copy.
I re-read them often through our long Wisconsin winters. The stories are so very rich in content and character that it makes the time pass quickly. Thank you for your talent, your time and your effort.
WOW, what a teaser! Happy Bday Claire, miss your sarcasm.
Happy Birthday Claire, I can not wait for the next book!!
My mother handed me a copy of Outlander ten years ago, and I have yet to put it down. Every year, usually on the first day of snow (here in Alaska) I will pick up Outlander and re-read and I will re read the entire series, always grateful that my library has grown. I LOVE your books. The story lines are amazing! So creative and accurate, historically. I am an avid reader and have read many many books. Some I re-read over and over again; So many talented people in the world who are able to bring stories to life for us.
As a stayhome mom of five kids and a wife to a man who works away from home, weeks at a time, my books are my fondest companions and the characters you have created have become dear friends to me. No matter how many times I re-read, the story never gets old, never gets mundane and it always gives me something to look forward to. So thank you, Diana, for sharing your talents and your God-given gifts with the world. It’s truly a blessing.
Keep them coming~~
♫ Haaaaapy Biiiirthday Tooooo Yoooooou, ♪
♫ Haaaaapy Biiiirthday Tooooo Yoooooou, ♪
♫ Haaaaapy Biiiiiiiiiiirthday Deaaaar Claaaaaaire, ♪
♫ Haaaaapy Biiiirthday Tooooo Yoooooou!
Not finished writing til the end of 2012? So that means – basically – two years from now til publication????? Sigh…. I guess I will just re-read everything and keep buying copies of Outlander to give to everyone I know!
Oh My Goodness!! I’m so thrilled that this is coming!! It’s absolutely wonderful and torturous at the same time to read this and then WAIT!!! Hurry up!!! It’s like waiting for a group of your very best friends, long absent, to show up at your door! Happy Birthday to Claire! Now I need to finish my current book and re-read to get ready! Spreading the word to all of my similarly addicted friends that I got started on these fabulous books!
Happy Birthday Claire!
OOh this is such a teaser but thank you Diana. I can hardly wait to see how Jenny will really fit into the whole storyline in the new world. What will she think of Lord John and his friendship with her brother? Of course she will take one look at William and know there are many secrets about her brother she doesn’t know about (I don’t remember Jamie telling Jenny and Ian about William). Will she find a love interest of her own? At the end of book seven I wondered how she could leave her children and granchildren behind but there must be a reason.
Would you like a cup of tea Diana? It might help the writing go easier so we can all find our sooner!
(Sorry that was selfish of me wasn’t it?)
Just enough to leave us wanting more… So looking forward to the next book – currently rereading the whole series! I was wondering if anyone knows if the Scottish Prisoner will be released as an e-book in November, or just in hardcover?