Which is….
(I still want an octopus on the cover, but we’ll deal with that later.)
Now home from DragonCon!! Had a good time, but good to be back. Further info on title, pursuant to questions:
Y’all are assuming I _know_ everything about that title, which is not the case. {g} I do know a _few_ things, though:
First off, it has to do with the printing trade, the written word, and its effect on the American Revolution (and the effect of the Revolution on the printers and writers, for that matter). That’s why it specifically needs the “written with…”–
Though that part has also to do with Roger, but I’m not going to tell you why.
And as I said (I think) earlier, it has to do with the Gaelic term “A chuisle,” meaning, “my heart’s blood”–to refer to a beloved child. (You recall that Jamie uses it of his adopted grandchildren as well as those who really _are_ of his physical blood.) Ergo, possibly—you think?–to do with family relationships, of which there are One Heck of a Lot in this book.
I can’t think why some folk assume there’s anything ominous about the title. It just means that something’s done–e.g., written–with passion, not that someone’s stabbing themselves in the chest with a quill and going GAK! on their desk. Have we never heard of imagery or metaphor, for heaven’s sake?
And no, it certainly doesn’t give any intimation that this is the last book. What about it sounds like “THIS IS THE END?” IF it should turn out to be the last book, I’d tell you straight out. At the moment, I’m thinking the odds are against it being the final one, but I won’t know that for a few months yet.
As for the person who thought someone was going to die in this book….well, I can give you pretty good odds on that one. I’ve never written a book that didn’t have anybody dying in it. (And fwiw, Jamie’s _been_ dead for at last part of every single book in the series. It isn’t necessarily fatal, you know. {g})
And as for not sounding like the other books in the series–it has the same number of words, the same number of syllables, and the same rhythm as A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES. Most of the books are paired, in terms of title structure: OUTLANDER/VOYAGER, DRAGONFLY IN AMBER/DRUMS OF AUTUMN, A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES/WRITTEN WITH MY HEART’S OWN BLOOD (I’m leaning toward “Heart’s Own,” if only because “HOB” is easier to pronounce). Only THE FIERY CROSS and AN ECHO IN THE BONE are unlike the others. (I didn’t do this on purpose, btw, with the exception of DRUMS OF AUTUMN–that one _was_ chosen specifically to echo DRAGONFLY (and is subsequently the weakest title of the bunch).)
I’ve read your books since discovering them in ’93. So for that I give you a heartfelt thank you! I’m such an DG junkie I now have my best friend (he’s a Marine truck driver) listening to the audio books. Love getting the phone calls from him scolding me for not telling him Roger was of Dougal’s blood, therefore related to Jamie, so how does that work for him & Bree… how much does the family tree vine. Or the calls begging for spoilers… LOVE IT! He no longer listens to his talk radio – that cuts into the audio book time! Now he’s got his wife & kid listening to them too!
Thanks again for an awesome series that draws the characters into your head like no other book has done for quite a while! Keep them coming!
Just happy to hear that the eight book has officially been named. I am simply another enthusiatic fan of the series and just recently started reading it again for the eight (maybe ninth) time. I always find something new when I reread the books and I always enjoy the ride. Thanks for the incredible attention to detail and weaving the great storylines.
Well, I happily gave away my 10 free copies of Outlander, and now I have 10 friends who are off to books 2 and 3! I am enjoying discussing with them, the stories all over again, and it has been so much fun! I have my worn out, and much used paper backs of the whole series, as well as my cherished hard backs that I keep put up just to look at mostly. Several have been signed by Diana, and my grand kids know that I will be willing them to one of them some day. They tell everyone about Nannies favorite books, “Oh they are all about a big red headed man in a kilt that Nannie is ga-ga over!” (LOL)
Anyway, thank you Diana for the Free Outlander’s, everyone is enjpying them very much!
Still your number one fan!
Hey “Nannie”, I’m ga-ga over the big red-headed man in a kilt too!!!!! (I just love that summation!)
Well, I did my calculations the other day and I have purchased over 28 copies of ‘Outlander’ or ‘Cross Stitch’ as it is called here in Australia – for my friends, family and even complete ‘randoms’. I give them to my friends for Christmas, their birthdays, my plumbers wife, my painters wife, people I meet on ancestry research sites, anyone! The shelf stacker at my local Brisbane K-Mart told me that they sell a box of ‘Cross Stitch’ books each week! So I know that I am not the only one.
What is it about Diana’s books that turns it’s readers into impassioned ‘dealers’; desperate to ‘push’ our addiction onto others? I feel weirdly evangelical about Diana’s books at times. It feels wonderful to be able to come to the DG blog, almost like an ‘AA’ meeting, and communicate with like minded addicts.
Greetings to all
Antipodean Janet
Can someone please post a list, other than the favortie “7″,..of diana’s books novels , novellas short stories..? I’ve seen several titles I dont recognize..yet.
Thanks so much
Keep em coming Diana!
“In vernacular British English and Irish English, “The Antipodes” is sometimes used to refer to Australia and New Zealand, and “Antipodeans” to their inhabitants (see Antipodes)” – Wikipedia
Just in case you were wondering…..what Antipodean means……
Warmest regards
Antipodean Janet
As a matter of fact, I was wondering. Thanks!
I don’t think I can wait that long – OMG 2013? I need suggestions for similar stories to keep me occupied until then! I will re-read the series has it gets closer but if I start that now I’ll be finished too soon!
Can someone help me with a prayer I have been searching for in one of the books? It tugs at me and I cannot find it.
It was something along the lines of giving thanks for the animal that was taken: a life for a life
And God sacrificing his Son: a life for a a life
“A life for a life” is what I remember being repeated twice.
Thanks for your help!
Do you mean the scene when they slaughter a pig and it took Roger several times to kill it? Afterwards he felt miserably and Claire thought the “gralloch prayer” might help and asked Jamie to recite it.It is in ABOSAA, chapter 71, Black Pudding, the English translation from “an ancient tongue come down from the days of the Norsemen”:
O Lord, bless the blood and the flesh of this the creature that You gave me.
Created by Your hand as You created man,
Life given for life.
That me and mine may eat with thanks for the gift,
That me and mine may give thanks for Your own sacrifice of blood and flesh,
Life given for life.
I googled “gralloch prayer” and found this on goodreads.com
YES! that’s it! thank you Carol!
Ah, Diana – I love that you changed your career! I’ve read, re-read/listened to all 7 books and anxiously await number 8! And whether the desire for an octopus on the cover is a tie-in of all of Jamie’s family back to him or a nod to your previous career, go for it! Keep us guessing. I can’t wait to crack open the cover and lose myself in the continuing saga! I will be sadly disappointed if it does turn out to be the last one, but I’m a big girl, and I know that all good things must come to an end — well at least all NEW good things must come to an end! Love the Title – Own Heart’s Blood or Heart’s Own Blood – HOB does flow off the tongue a little easier, but it’s a very meaningful title either way! Write on in good health!
Spiders have eight legs too — Oh what a tangled web we weave…
Dear Lori–
Yes, but I can’t put a big spider on the cover–too many people are afraid of them. (g)
A chignon, with many elegant braids?
A signet ring, with a most peculiar crest?
A hilt on a ceremonial sword, a la l’Academie Francaise?
Looked up arachnophobia and found stats indicating up to 90% (!) of western women are freaked out by spiders. People in some places eat the big ones, so it may be a cultural thing. Little Miss Muffet… I think snake phobias are more widespread. Mom threw a shoe at me for bringing a green snake into the house when I was about 8. An Indonesian friend squeals and shudders at pictures of snakes. Fear can be a funny feeling…
I have a phobia of spiders. I’m afraid I couldn’t look at the cover when I go to buy it.
But buy it I will!
I must say that I really don’t care what the title is! What is between the covers is what matters. Can’t wait Diana, thank you so much for providing a mini-vacation in a book!
Miami FL
For me it doesn’t matter what the title of Book 8 is (even – CRAP) if you write it, I’ll buy and read it again and again! Thanks for sharing your gift!
What an incredibly romantic title. Diana you are without a doubt the most talented author alive today, imho! Many, many thanks for this entire story… I have spent countless hours in Claire and Jamie’s world, though I know, only a minute fraction compared to the hours you’ve spent creating it! Thanks again and I look forward, with great anticipation, to “Written with My Own Heart’s Blood”
Heart’s own blood sounds so much better than own heart’s blood….own heart’s blood sounds too modern if that makes any sense! But honestly, call it Book 8….I’d still buy it!
I have read every book you have out, twice. I am so looking forward to the next book, no matter what the name of it ends up being. In the Outlander Companion, it states in there that there will be a book titled, “The King’s Farewell”. Has there been an after thought on that one, or is that not part of the series? I love the way you set the scene and describe the characters. Each night, I would tell my family that I was going to go sit down and visit with Jamie and Claire. The superb quality of the story always makes it seem like you are with them instead of reading about them. I would love to see a mini-series about Jamie and Claire!! Thank you for the time you take to keep us entertained.
Diana, Please don’t end the series now. Your books have been my literary crack!
But I guess you have your vision and voice to listen to (please ignore them!).
Maybe we could all just go through the stones 200 years in the future and the book will have already been published.
Ohhhh, yeah! I want to go too!
I never thought a book could transport me like yours have. I started this series in June and I just finished #7 tonight and I can’t wait for #8. I love the title.
Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
I am a new fan of yours, having just read Outlander for the first time about a month ago. As soon as I finished, I rushed to the bookstore to buy Dragonfly in Amber. I am thrilled to know that I have at least a dozen more novels to add to my reading list!
My sister was caring for my father last summer and was reading your books. My “turn” was coming and she told me I really should read these books. It provided a great escape. I purchased the first book and when finished, couldn’t wait for the next. My next trip, I purchased all of the books and have finished with my third re-read. I’m not sure I could have waited three years between each book. I can hardly wait for #8 to come out, although I have to say I was quite disappointed in Claire for not waiting very long after she “thought” Jamie was dead before she hopped into bed with Lord John Grey. I mean really, Jamie waited seven years after Claire was gone. So, nothing is happening on the movie front? That’s too bad. You picked some good ones to play the parts. It would have been great, but then am not sure that it could be done justice – you know the saying – “the book was better”. Keep it up this series is wonderful and I’m in love with Jamie.
I began this epic series back in February. A friend said she’d heard it was very good and that (at that time) I could get Outlander free for my Nook. I downloaded it and forgot about it as I had other books to read, the holidays to deal with, etc. After the first of the year – while waiting for other books to release – I decided to begin Outlander. O. M. G. I instantly fell in love with Jamie and Claire! I was reading in the house and listening in the car – and I did this with every book! When I reached the end of AEITB I was beside myself; devastated that I had to wait 3 or 4 years for the next one. If I thought it was awful having to wait six months to a year for other favorite authors to release a new book, this was horrific! I’m an old woman; I may not live much longer. (Ok, I’m exaggerating a little here, but one never knows!) I would hate to think I could leave this earth without knowing Lord John’s response to Jamie’s “Why?” at the end of AEITB! But I must admit it helps having a title to the book we’re anxiously awaiting.
I agree… I am in anticipation as to what Jamie will respond… could go either way!!
I started reading the books and thought it was a trilogy. Imagine my surprise when it went on and on. Don’t get me wrong it was always a good read; enticing you to buy the next book to find out what happens. Then I heard the 7th book was the last. As I approached the ending I couldn’t believe with only a few pages left you were going to have everything come to an end. Now I learn there will be an 8th book. Will this be the last in this saga?
I started reading the books and thought it was a trilogy. Imagine my surprise when it went on and on. Don’t get me wrong it was always a good read; enticing you to buy the next book to find out what happens. Then I heard the 7th book was the last. As I approached the ending I couldn’t believe with only a few pages left you were going to have everything come to an end. Now I learn there will be an 8th book. Will this be the last in this saga? Please
Dear dd–
I don’t know. I don’t plan the books out ahead of time, so never know how much ground one will cover. But it’s not the last book until _I_ say it is! (G)