Which is….
(I still want an octopus on the cover, but we’ll deal with that later.)
Now home from DragonCon!! Had a good time, but good to be back. Further info on title, pursuant to questions:
Y’all are assuming I _know_ everything about that title, which is not the case. {g} I do know a _few_ things, though:
First off, it has to do with the printing trade, the written word, and its effect on the American Revolution (and the effect of the Revolution on the printers and writers, for that matter). That’s why it specifically needs the “written with…”–
Though that part has also to do with Roger, but I’m not going to tell you why.
And as I said (I think) earlier, it has to do with the Gaelic term “A chuisle,” meaning, “my heart’s blood”–to refer to a beloved child. (You recall that Jamie uses it of his adopted grandchildren as well as those who really _are_ of his physical blood.) Ergo, possibly—you think?–to do with family relationships, of which there are One Heck of a Lot in this book.
I can’t think why some folk assume there’s anything ominous about the title. It just means that something’s done–e.g., written–with passion, not that someone’s stabbing themselves in the chest with a quill and going GAK! on their desk. Have we never heard of imagery or metaphor, for heaven’s sake?
And no, it certainly doesn’t give any intimation that this is the last book. What about it sounds like “THIS IS THE END?” IF it should turn out to be the last book, I’d tell you straight out. At the moment, I’m thinking the odds are against it being the final one, but I won’t know that for a few months yet.
As for the person who thought someone was going to die in this book….well, I can give you pretty good odds on that one. I’ve never written a book that didn’t have anybody dying in it. (And fwiw, Jamie’s _been_ dead for at last part of every single book in the series. It isn’t necessarily fatal, you know. {g})
And as for not sounding like the other books in the series–it has the same number of words, the same number of syllables, and the same rhythm as A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES. Most of the books are paired, in terms of title structure: OUTLANDER/VOYAGER, DRAGONFLY IN AMBER/DRUMS OF AUTUMN, A BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES/WRITTEN WITH MY HEART’S OWN BLOOD (I’m leaning toward “Heart’s Own,” if only because “HOB” is easier to pronounce). Only THE FIERY CROSS and AN ECHO IN THE BONE are unlike the others. (I didn’t do this on purpose, btw, with the exception of DRUMS OF AUTUMN–that one _was_ chosen specifically to echo DRAGONFLY (and is subsequently the weakest title of the bunch).)
I have been reading some of the comments and I must tell you it makes me catch my breath when ever anyone writes that it sounds like Jamie is going to die……oh hell no…please don’t let that happen, not yet at least. I am not ready to give him up….mostly Claire and Jamie because they really are one.
So looking forward to book 8!
Diana thanks for bringing so much enjoyment to so many people.
As Diana has said…Jamie is dead at the end of most of the books…but I would put my money where my mouth is and say that its Roger! Diana hasn’t killed off a main character for a while and its over due! So…its just a feeling in my bones.
No! Not Roger! I love this poor guy! Everything bad always happens to him. Give him a break….he is sweet, kind, and handsome, please kill off Buck, or Rob Cameron (the weasel that he is). Not our dear Roger. I like him better than Brianna…not that I want her killed off… no way! Diana killed off Ian Murray. He is a main character, to me anyway. There will be more about Jenny too I have a feeling. I want her to know the truth about Claire so badly. She was kind of cold hearted to Claire when she came back after 20 years, and again when Ian was dying. She needs to know the truth!
My mom recommended this series to me and mailed me Outlander for my birthday in June. I started it mid-June and just finished Echo last week. I am seriously going through Claire and Jamie withdrawl. I have thought about reading another unrelated book, but my heart is not in it. I miss the characters already! Don’t know how I’m going to make it until the publication of “Heart’s Own”.
Thank you for your amazing stories!
I recommend reading the Lord John series. Its a great fix for those inbetween sessions of re-re-re-reading the Outlander series.
Thank you, thank you for the update and the semi-explanation of what the title refers to. So looking forward to the “One Heck of a Lot” of family relationships in this book. Especially now that Willie knows the Big Secret.
Well, I guess I really mean William (must remember Willie = older brother; William = son).
“I can’t think why some folk assume there’s anything ominous about the title. It just means that something’s done–e.g., written–with passion, not that someone’s stabbing themselves in the chest with a quill and going GAK! on their desk. Have we never heard of imagery or metaphor, for heaven’s sake?”
I’m giggling to myself. GAK!
Pleased to hear things are moving along & even more pleased to hear that it’s likely not the last book.
Wow…it’s very strong and invocative…can’t wait to put my hands on it!! :)))
It’s a pity that here, in Portugal, we have to wait long periods of time to have the books translated.
Right now, it was published, in portuguese from Portugal and not in portuguese from Brazil, the second book…after almost 20 years!! I have all the books in english but it’s not the same when we read it in our own language.
I’m reading the #2 in portuguese, and i’m doing it slowly, absorving everything, despite having already read in English.. I know that probably, unfortunately, we’ll only have the #3 released next year.
Congratulations Diana for the #8, and thank you for making our days better.
Nádia Costa
I don’t know how it is to read the book in Portugal’s portuguese, but in Brazil’s portuguese I can’t feel a connection with the characters, because unlike the English version, they have no accent, and I feel a lot is lost in translation. They are not bad at all, but it feels a little incomplete. Some of the books weren’t translated here either. I think the last one was ABOSAA, which was released quite some time ago.
I always thought that if a book was published in Portuguese (regardless of the country) it would be published in the same language market pretty soon. It’s strange, I think, because adapting from Brazil’s Portuguese to Portugal’s Portuguese must be a piece of a cake.
All the best to ya,
Elisa – Brazil
Love the title.
As for the octopus, does this mean you will have eight story lines, one for each leg? You are super woman!
Seriously, you could put a picture of an old boot on your cover and we will all still rush out to get a copy on the release date as soon the book store opens.
Oh, my own heart just did a flip at the better than even odds of a Book 9!!! A bit premature perhaps, but I secretly hope Herself keeps cranking these out every 3 years until she’s 150. And I’ll do whatever it takes to hang around well into my 100′s just to read them – I’ll even exercise if I have to.
bwhwahhhh! LOL! Ok, I just sprayed coffee all over my computer screen. Please Diane, dont ever stop writing this series, I will exercise too! tee-hee!
Already looking forward to WWMyHOB (naturally, pronounced “whammy-hob”)!
Dear Diana,
How wonderful the title finally revealed itself to you…also glad that you thought that “heart’s own” sounds somehow better than “own heart”.
I’ve been rolling the “ohb” title off my tongue all day long, and wanted to find the boldness to tell you it sounded better as “hob”…
Well, so much to look forward to now, but at least now we know what to call it
Happy writing!
It has been some time ago that I read that someone had asked you “where the series would end and if it would be a happy ending”. You did not commit to how many books it would take to get there but it would definitely end in Scotland and it would be happy but would bring forth gallons of tears. I am counting on you to fulfill that statement (doesn’t matter how many books later) in the last book!!! I certainly am not ready for Book 8 to be the last one!!!
WRITTEN WITH MY HEART’S OWN BLOOD sounds to me like something Jamie would be writing to or about Claire??? I am sure everyone has a little different idea about what it can possibly be. I will be waiting anxiously for THIS book to come out. Thank you for all the books.
Dear Diana,
I work as a translator for SognandoLeggendo (http://sognandoleggendo.net/) an Italian blog dedicated to fantastic literature.
We would love to interview you by e-mail on occasion of “An Echo In The Bone”‘s publishing in Italy.
If you agree, please send an e-mail to sognandoleggendo@gmail.com
and we will forward the questions to you.
Sincerely Yours,
Oooh! I like it. Thanks for the sneak peek.
So, putting it all together, it refers to something written by someone together with his/her biological child or grandchild?
I really like the title. I couldn’t imagine trying to come up with titles for your books and I think they are all excellent and creative. (Just like this new one)
Okay,so I checked here again after working in the yard for a bit. It’s cool here in Cincy., for a change. I was thinking even before I read Diana’s response…that it would have to do with Jaime and claire(duh) and Roger and Brianna,possibly Lord John and William which is six,and then maybe even Jenny and Ian,if she’s wanting an octopus,but then I remember how Roger wernt back and met Brian, Jaime’s father. Yesterday after I saw the title,and I responded I even thought about wee Jem and Mandy.
When did Roger meet Brian? I don’t recall that?
in spoilerland
I’m just thrilled that we are getting close to another book! Diana is the most thoughtful and imaginative writer! I have never since Gone with the Wind become so involved with characters and believe them to be actual people. Thank you so much Diana for never compromising the story-telling and texture of the people in your books, just because we the reader can’t wait! I firmly believe in the end when we do get our greedy little hands on these books, it makes the wait as nothing.
So, just thinking out loud here, but are not Jamie and Clair respectively 58 and 62 years old? I wonder just how much longer she (Diana) can keep them alive and attractive (I mean romance between my mom and dad doesn’t really do it for me?)
Again, just thinking out loud……
I don’t know… a 58 year old Jamie still seems pretty hot to me!!!! He’s had the benefit of Claire’s 20th century knowledge of hygiene, health care, and nutritional requirements. Plus he’s still a very active outdoorsman, so he keeps himself in shape. Of course, I say this as a 50+ year old woman, so I’m not put off by his advancing years.
Don’t put it in the context of your own parents… is there anyone out there who isn’t grossed out when they think of their parents’ romantic life???
them being old does get to my head but im in my twenty’s but… i tell ya young Iain has made his way into my heart just as much as jamie, theres a whole new story available for him
I completely agree! Young Ian is such a beautiful character. I want to see him happy with Rachel. Finally happy! Emily pi**ed me off for hurting him so badly! I just want to take him in my arms and protect him.
Oh yeah! A spin off series with Young Ian….I could sink my heart into that!
In regards to age I have seen Helen Mirren in a bikini and there is nothing non-sexy about her. I have a picture of her in a black merry widow as my desktop background.
omg!!! i cant get over the news Herself has given us! such a tease! i’ve read all the posts and i just cant believe jamie or claire will die too many ppl would b upset. i will NOT let myself think of that its just way to upsetting.
Took me a few minutes but… I think I’m on board with this title
Sad to hear though that you don’t think you’ll finish writing it until end of 2012 (if I’m understanding you correctly)?! I was kind of hoping we’d have a fall 2012 release date… but maybe that was a foolish expectation considering we’re getting SP in about two months (eek!) and you’ll probably need to travel and promote it. I might be the only Outlander fan out there to think this way, but it’s gotta end *sometime* and DG will know when it’s time. Good luck with everything.