• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

Jamie, or John?

Oookay, then!

Sorry to be so late in getting this post up; I’ve been in New Mexico for the last week, and the internet connection there was Just Abysmal; could barely keep it open long enough to tweet, let alone upload anything longer.
First things first: Upcoming appearances.

I’m flying to New York on Monday, and will be appearing (briefly) at the RWA convention, held at the Marriott Marquis. Appearances will be:

The Literacy Signing, where most of the published authors taking part will be available to sell/sign books—this is from 5:30-7:30 on June 28th, at the Marriott Marquis. This event _is_ open to the public, and I _believe_ that you’re allowed to bring in up to three of your own books from home to be signed, if you like.
The opening panel of the convention, where I’ll be taking part in a discussion with two other Random House authors, Steve Berry and Tess Gerritsen. This is part of the convention and open only to convention attendees. It’ll be from 8:30-10:00 AM on June 29th.

Then on July 5th—publication date for the cool new 20th-anniversary OUTLANDER edition!—I fly to Laramie Wyoming, where I’ll be doing the keynote speech for the Sir Walter Scott conference at the University of Wyoming. The conference program is here http://www.uwyo.edu/scottconf2011/program.html , but I don’t yet have a detailed personal schedule. I _will_ be doing at least one public book-signing, though; will post time and place as soon as I get them.

On July 8th, I fly _back_ to New York, for ThrillerFest, at the Hyatt. There, I’ll be doing a Livestream event with James Rollins (Powell’s Books is supplying books to be sold during this event—and I certainly _hope_ they’ll have the 20th-anniversary edition!) from 2-4:00 PM on July 8th.

On the evening of July 8th, I’ll be doing a joint signing with several other authors for a collaborative mystery novel called NO REST FOR THE DEAD. (This is one of those for-charity efforts—proceeds for this one go to cancer research—where a number of well-known authors take turns writing chapters, and the editor then goes through and kind of smooths things out so the story is coherent. Or so we hope, anyway.)

The signing will be held at 7:00 PM at the Center for Fiction, (17 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017), and authors attending will include Peter James, Marcia Talley, John Lescroart, RL Stine, Diana Gabaldon,Jeffery Deaver, Gayle Lynds and Andrew Gulli. (Just for my own part, I’m fine with people bringing their own books to be signed, too.) This is open to the public.

Aaaand, on July 9th, I’ll do a Spotlight Interview (at the Hyatt) for ThrillerFest, Kathleen Antrim being the interviewer. That’s from 1:00-1:50 PM. And then I’ll do a book-signing for the convention (open only to convention attendees) from 5:00-6:00 PM at the convention bookstore in the hotel.

Then I rush home on the 10th {g}, and do the Official Launch Party for the 20th-anniversary OUTLANDER on July 11th, at The Poisoned Pen bookstore in Scottsdale. 7:00 PM!

Righto. Now, I had promised to show you the two openings I have for SCOTTISH PRISONER. As it stands, I’m opening the book with Jamie’s point of view—but I _could_ open with Lord John’s first chapter instead, and do Jamie’s second.  I did it this way because I’d like people to realize right away that this is Jamie’s book, as much as Lord John’s—but it _is_ a Rather Unusual {cough} way to open a book.

So—those of you who don’t read excerpts should stop Right Here.

Those of you who _do_…here you go, and hope you enjoy them! Let me know what you think: Jamie first, or Lord John?

(Copyright 2011 Diana Gabaldon)
Chapter 1:

Helwater, the Lake District
April 1, 1760

It was so cold out, he thought his cock might break off in his hand. If he could find it. The thought passed through his sleep-mazed mind like one of the small, icy drafts that darted through the loft, making him open his eyes.
He could find it now; had waked with his fist wrapped round it and desire shuddering and twitching over his skin like a cloud of midges. The dream was wrapped just as tightly round his mind, but he knew it would fray in seconds, shredded by the snores and farts of the other grooms. He needed her, needed to spill himself with the feel of her touch still on him.
Hanks stirred in his sleep, chuckled loudly, said something incoherent, and fell back into the void, murmuring, “Bugger, bugger, bugger…”
Jamie said something similar under his breath in the Gaelic, and flung back his blanket. Damn the cold.
He made his way down the ladder into the half-warm, horse-smelling fug of the barn, nearly falling in his haste, ignoring a splinter in his bare foot. He hesitated in the dark, still urgent. The horses wouldn’t care, but if they noticed him, they’d make enough noise, perhaps, to wake the others.

Wind struck the barn and went booming round the roof. A strong chilly draft with a scent of snow stirred the somnolence, and two or three of the horses shifted, grunting and whickering. Overhead, a murmured “‘ugger” drifted down, accompanied by the sound of someone turning over and pulling the blanket up round his ears, defying reality.

Claire was still with him, vivid in his mind, solid in his hands. He could imagine that he smelled her hair in the scent of fresh hay. The memory of her mouth, those sharp white teeth …he rubbed his nipple, hard and itching beneath his shirt, and swallowed.

His eyes were long accustomed to the dark; he found the vacant loose-box at the end of the row and leaned against its boards, cock already in his fist, body and mind yearning for his wife.
He’d have made it last if he could, but he was fearful lest the dream go altogether and he surged into the memory, groaning. His knees gave way in the aftermath and he slid slowly down the boards of the box into the loose piled hay, shirt rucked round his thighs and his heart pounding like a kettle drum.

[end section]

(more stuff in this chapter, of course)

Chapter 2: The Fate of Fuses

Argus House

Lord John Grey eyed the ribbon-tied packet on his knee as though it were a bomb. In fact, it couldn’t have been more explosive had it been filled with black powder and equipped with a fuse.
His attitude as he handed it to his brother must have reflected this knowledge, for Hal fixed him with a gimlet eye and raised one brow. He said nothing, though, flicking loose both ribbon and wrapping with an impatient gesture and bending his head at once over the thick sheaf of densely-written sheets that emerged.

Grey couldn’t stand to watch him read through Charles Carruthers’s post-mortem denunciation, recalling each damning page as Hal read it. He stood up and went to the window of the study that looked out into the back garden of Argus House, ignoring the swish of turning pages and the occasional blasphemous mutterings behind him.

Hal’s three boys were playing a game of tigers and hunters, leaping out at each other from behind the shrubbery with shrill roars, followed by shrieks of delight and yells of “Bang! Take that, you striped son of a bitch!”

The nurse seated on the edge of the fish-pool, keeping a tight grip on baby Dottie’s gown, looked up at this, but merely rolled her eyes with a martyred expression. Flesh and blood has its limits, her expression said clearly, and she resumed paddling a hand in the water, luring one of the big goldfish close so that Dottie could drop bits of bread to it.

John longed to be down there with them. It was a rare day for early April, and he felt the pulse of it in his blood, urging him to be outside, running bare-foot through young grass. Running naked down into the water… The sun was high, flooding warm through the glass of the French windows, and he closed his eyes and turned his face up to it.

Siverly. The name floated in the darkness behind his eyes, pasted across the blank face of an imagined cartoon major, drawn in uniform, an outsized sword brandished in his hand, and bags of money stuffed into the back of his breeches, obscene bulges under the skirt of his coat. One or two had fallen to the ground, bursting open so that you could see the contents–coin in one, the other filled with what looked like poppets, small wooden doll-like things. Each one with a tiny knife through its heart.

Hal swore in German behind him. He must have reached the part about the rifles; German oaths were reserved for the most stringent occasions, French being used for minor things like a burnt dinner, and Latin for formal insults committed to paper. Minnie wouldn’t let either Hal or John swear in English in the house, not wanting the boys to acquire low habits. John could have told her it was too late for such caution, but didn’t.

He turned round to see Hal on his feet, pale with rage, a sheet of paper crumpled in one hand.

“How dare he? How dare he?”

A small knot he hadn’t known was there dissolved under John’s ribs.

“You believe Carruthers, then?”

Hal glared at him.

“Don’t you? You knew the man.”

He had known Charles Carruthers–in more than one sense.

“Yes, I believed him when he told me about Siverly in Canada–and that–” he nodded at the papers, thrown in a sprawl across Hal’s desk, “–is even more convincing. You’d think he’d been a lawyer.”
He could still see Carruthers’s face, pale in the dimness of his attic room in [town], drawn with ill-health but set with grim determination to live long enough to see justice done. Charlie hadn’t lived that long, but long enough to write down every detail of the case against Major Gerald Siverly, and to entrust it to him.

He was the fuse that would detonate this particular bomb. And he was all too familiar with what happened to fuses, once lit.

[end section]

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364 Responses »

  1. I love the story of the Frasers! I vote for starting with Jamie as that is the reason I’ve been so hooked on the series.


  2. Hmmm, I have read all the Outlander series several times over, but have actually never read any of the Lord John series. Is it necessary to read them in order before reading the Scottish Prisoner?
    As far as which opening to use , as much as I am for Jaime , I think that probably starting off with John is probably best as long as it is not too long before we hear from our beloved hero.
    My heart was breaking reading the excerpt from Jaime, and yet cant wait to read more. :)

  3. I vote for the Jamie opening—It is much more dramatic and lets the reader know how devoted he is to Claire and that he could never feel that way about Lord John Susan

  4. I still love both of them – enjoyed the heck out of your reading in Kingman!

    I think I still lean towards Jamie’s first. It seems to draw you into the story much quicker and judging by your husband’s initial reaction and that of the much older lady that was in the audience that day – it’s an immediate attention grabber. I agree with some of the comments above in that it lets you know right away that it IS Jamie’s tale (in case the title didn’t).

    Of course, Lord John’s opening is also excellent and has a completely different set of emotions drawn forth. The mystery awaits.

    Looking forward to ALL of it. Of course you know that we will all want MORE MORE MORE no matter how you choose to begin ~ or end.


  5. I love Jamie to bits, but the Lord John story seems a better way to catch a reader’s interest.

  6. It’s hard to voice a opinion without knowing what part in the story Jamie is going to play. that being said, since in the LJG series, Jamie is a side character, omnipresent to be sure, but still a side thought to John everyday life, I’m gonna have to go with John.

  7. BTW, has any thought been given to gathering all your short works up in one volume? It’s kind of like buying a compliation album to get one track you really like to buy an anthology your stories are in. While I read the whole thing, I don’t like all of them. please say Diana’s greatest hits has at least been considered. And what ever happened to Red Ants Head?

    • Can I second Lisa’s vote on a volume of all the short stories?!?! It would be a great way for people like me to fill in all the gaps and questions. Please, Please Please!

  8. Dear Diana,
    For me it would Be Jamie ! But if People who don’t know your books Read this they could get a wrong idea of it!?
    So what ever you choose, i will get it!:)
    pS: when is it going to Be published in German?
    Best wishes

  9. Hmmm, is it a question of the heart (Jamie first) or a question of the mind (John first)?

    For me your books are all about the relationships of the characters. The action scenes, historical context, medical references(I am a medical technologist and love all the science stuff) are all important parts of the story, but in the end they are about how people’s lives flow together and then apart and then come back together.

    I went back and read the end of the “Hand of Devils” and since that tale ends with a letter to Jamie, I think the Jamie chapter should be first.

    When in doubt, go with the heart! :)

    PS: I’m also a big believer in first instincts, and your initial impulse to put the Jamie chapter first was probably the right one.

    Be safe in all your travels and I hope you don’t get groped at the airport!


  10. I’m quite the prude, so I’d have to vote for Lord John. I think some readers would get turned off with the subject matter of Jamie’s first chapter. Though… they won’t ever read the series (what’s the plural of series?) if they’re much more of a prude than I am. ;)

  11. Start with Lord John.

  12. It’s the Lord John series and I think his chapter should start the book, especially as it appears to be setting the plot. I have read both series and thoroughly enjoy the Lord John character.

  13. I vote for Lord John.

  14. Jamie for sure. I can’t wait for the next book. I’m even running out of the books on the “methadone list.” I just can’t get enough of your books. WRITE ON!!

  15. Lord John first, because (of what I’ve seen so far) it leaves a little mystery with you after his part, and Jamie’s is pretty much an up-front piece.

  16. Wow…so I just have to say…I am at work (in a chem lab) and I started reading the Jamie excerpt not realizing what I was reading…after a few lines I screamed “Holy Shit” looked around to make sure no one was watching and kept on reading. I miss Jamie and I think the rest of your fans do too so I would say go with him.

  17. Wow…so I just have to say…I am at work (in a chem lab where everyone is down to business) and I started reading the Jamie excerpt not realizing what I was reading…after a few lines I screamed “Holy Shit” looked around to make sure no one was watching and kept on reading. I miss Jamie and I think the rest of your fans do too so I would say go with him.

  18. Please start with John…as much as I adore Jamie, and I realize he is the title character, my fear is that people who have not read you before (are there any of those left?) would expect more soft-core porn to appear throughout the book. As titillating as some of your scenes are, they are NOT the be-all/end-all of your intricate story lines. Jamie offers so very much more than his cock (as you so eloquently put it ), so let a newer reader come into the story without having to wonder who Claire is…

    (just my humble opinion)…

    Whatever you do–I can hardly wait to read it!

  19. Jamie…definitely!

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