• “The smartest historical sci-fi adventure-romance story ever written by a science Ph.D. with a background in scripting 'Scrooge McDuck' comics.”—Salon.com
  • A time-hopping, continent-spanning salmagundi of genres.”
  • “These books have to be word-of-mouth books because they're too weird to describe to anybody.”
    —Jackie Cantor, Diana's first editor

Welcome to the New Website!

WELCOME to the All-New, Completely Redesigned, and—with luck—Totally Updated Diana Gabaldon Official Website!

Many, many thanks to the very talented Jeremy Tolbert of Clockpunk Studios (www.clockpunkstudios.com), who did the new design (and guided me through the maze of learning to work with WordPress).

And many thanks to the lovely Rosana Gatti, who designed (more than once {g}) the original Diana Gabaldon website, and has run it for more years than I care to count.

(Thinking especially of longevity these days, as a) it’s my birthday {g}, and b) OUTLANDER (the novel) was published twenty (yes, 2_0) years ago!)

Now, there will be a few spots where I’ll add new material, links, excerpts or whatever as we go on, but I think the new site is essentially complete.

(There will be a link to a Facebook page, for instance, but that’s not quite available yet.

And my blog will now be an integral feature of the website, as well.

I hope you enjoy exploring the new site!

Do please let me know—there’s a place for comments, below, and on other parts of the site—if you see anything that doesn’t work, or have suggestions for things we may not have thought of that you’d like to see.

(And you can use the “Follow” links to talk to me via Twitter, if you’d like.)


322 Responses »

  1. Happy Birthday, Diana! And, I *love* the new website! Thanks for all the time you poured into it… it looks fabulous! I’m glad the blog posts are still a part of it; I love reading what you write there. The Christmas post was so much fun to read, and the New Year’s post prompted me to download Fire and Ice by Dana Stabenow to my Kindle. I sped through it and am now on So Sure of Death, but I alternate that with LISTENING to my Kindle (I love that I can download books to it via audible.com) as I go through the Outlander series for the third time (this time by listening to the lovely narration of Davina Porter).

    Thank you for how good you our to your fans!

  2. Can I just say (or squeal) how incredibly long I’ve been waiting and excited I am to finally have made it here through many problematic, yes, ISSUES with 3 computer crashes, 2 entire computers, many long months, 6 children with varying degrees of drama, a husband with a post office to run yet not capable of remembering to mail our bills on time, and a desperate need to learn of anything, but especially the due date, to do with the book that will answer what happens to Jem, etc., etc., etc. and I think you all know mostly, if not exactly, what I mean and how I feel! Thank you, Diana, for the wonderfully magical distraction of your incredible literature, which has almost kept me sane! Carolyn~

  3. Love the new site! Hope you had a wonderful birthday. Thanks for taking the time to update your (impatient) fans on the status of things. I found myself yesterday simultaneously sending you a birthday wish and imagining what Claire would say to Jamie in their first private conversation in the next book….I think I can manage to wait until next year to find out. Thanks for all that you do!

  4. Congratulations. Great start to a new year… now about the next book… lol

  5. Congratulations. The new site looks terrific. Best wishes.

  6. I don’t usually comment, but I like to read them. I can’t seem to locate the comments posted on the new site. I must be missing the link or something…..could you direct me?

  7. The new website is lovely. Happy Birthday and congratulations on the success of the Outlander novels! I just discovered the first one last autumn (thanks to my Kindle) while I was nursing my new son. They have been an absolute pleasure to read and I love that this beautiful story is continuing. If I had realized the series wasn’t complete yet, I would have read them a bit slower. I am halfway through book 7 and only allowing myself one chapter each night to prolong the enjoyment! LOL…thanks again!

  8. Wooo Hooo ! Its here ! Love the color palette… sublime! Will there be a menu bar option for excerpts?

  9. Belated Happy Birthday, (Great day too you share it with my brother). Love the new website,thank you for all your great novels,I’m am patiencely waiting for the next one.

  10. AND….you and the people who created this site did a fantastic job. It’s interesting, aesthetic and easy to navigate.

  11. Wow! I can’t believe outlander is my age! I have been a fan since I’m 14! Even tough it ruined my life by getting my expectations for men a bit too high!(There’s only one Jamie and he’s Claire’s…)
    I love the new website and I can’t wait for the next book!

  12. Hi Diana,

    personally, I am sure I would be happy with any website you put up, so long as I get my fix of Outlander !! :) Having said that, the new site is very nice – well done !.. good colours easy to read and navigate.. a winner all round.

    Now I have done the sucking up.. when can we get more from book 8 ???? please please please :)
    Have a great day.. its Friday here in sunny Australia so its a great day anyway hahaha

    Cheers Jo

    • Dear Jo–

      Did you see the excerpts from Book 8? That’s all for the time being–I’m not spposed to put up more than 10,000 words of a book, so if I put up more, I’d have to take some of these down.


      • Hi Diana,
        I have read ALL the excerpts.. more than once ! maybe you could take off the oldest and just give us a little more.. just a little more…. :)
        your books are like a drug… once you get the taste of the addiction nothing satisfies until you get more !!!
        Cheers Jo-Anne

  13. Forgot to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! I hope you had a great day :)

  14. I have to add that I’m in LOVE with these books. Read the series twice so far and as soon as my classes are done in May, I”m reading them again. Please, Diana, DON’T make a movie. It just wouldn’t fit the way I’ve imagined the characters. The books are more than enough. I just ask that you keep on writing Jamie and Claire’s story. P.S. I’ve always pictures Liam Neeson as Jamie!

    • Dear Darcy–

      If you don’t want a movie, why on earth are you envisioning Liam Neeson as Jamie? {g}


      • My, aren’t we sassy:0) When I’m reading I have always envisioned him as Jamie. Probably because of the movie he did with Jessica Lang, Rob Roy. It’s just that you never get a movie that lives up to the book. Oh well, who am I?

      • Dear Darcy–

        Well, everybody’s got their own notions, and why not? You’re entitled to yours, and I’m entitled to mine. It just struck me funny that you should be denouncing the idea of a movie, while using movies to construct your vision of Jamie. Bottom line, of course, is simple: if you don’t like the idea of a movie, don’t watch it. See? Easy!

        (I’ll take “sassy.” I’ve been called worse things.)


  15. When are we going to be able to purchase book 8 here in Australia – is it out yet – please, please want to give to mother as a gift

  16. It’s beautiful! Thanks for writing such a wonderful book series! I’m a huge fan!

  17. Dear Diana,

    This site “fits” you. Love it!

    Happy Birthday and Bright Blessings,


  18. Diana, I’m a little late, but I just wanted to say how lovely your new site is. It was very easy to navigate through, which is very helpful for the person who still has to ask her 13 year old son how to retrieve a message from her new cell phone. :)

    Hope you had a fabulous Birthday!


  19. I really like the new website, Diana. I have found things in here, like your pointers on wtiting which I found most helpful, that did not see in your previous site.
    Good going!!
    Sandra G

  20. The website looks great! Happy Birthday! Now you can focus on the book right? :)

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