It’s Gaidhlig ; it means
“Honor to the Dead”
Posted on September 11, 2010 12:41 PM
It’s Gaidhlig ; it means
“Honor to the Dead”
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Onore ai Morti.
I fell in love with Gaidligh right after I started to read outlander serie five years ago..
I lost my first child this summer, he was only two days old and Ive been planning to take a tattoo to his honor and some sentence in Gaidligh would be great in it.. But I havent found any good translator from the Internet, yet..
Id be more than happy if you could give me a hint where I could find some help in this traslantion thing
your loss is heartbreaking.,…hope you found some solace in the wonders of the story, im sorry for your loss xx
You are a thoughtful and caring person. There have been many times when your words or actions have brought tears to my eyes. This is one of them.
I am so sorry for your loss. My hope is that your heart grows slightly lighter with each passing day.
Thank you Diana very much to remember this day!
To Sandra G.
thank you for your article,to me you are absolutly right,we should never forget what happened on 9/ll.
"To ignore the past is to ignore the future".
Sandra G.
Please let go of your hate and fear.
Americans are Christian. They a Jews. Americans are Muslim. And Hindi. And Buddists. Americans are Pagan, Wiccan and Atheist. If we step on the constitutional rights of one we step on the rights of us all. Please do not let hate or fear turn our hearts cold. We are a country of many peoples. Do not hate your fellow Americans because their God is different than yours. Do not hate your fellow Americans because other have twisted their faith. Americans do not hate Christains because most serial killers here in the states are Christian? Or because Christains use their faith to justify bombing clinics and killing doctors? This Mosque is reaching out to the community to build a Multi-faith community center. Multi-faith. Open your heart to the possibility that people are good. Hate will eat your soul.
Dear Diana;
I'd like to apologize for the comments that are coming my way through your blog. It was not my intention when I posted the link to share my article. Normally, people would post it on my blog and I would reply to them! So again, I'm very sorry I never intended for this to happen and feel free to delete my previous post since I can't do it myself.
how did a statement by DG about honoring the dead turn into a religious bum fight ???
Thank you Diana for posting a meaninful and thoughtful comment on a day which changed so much of our world.
Jo-Anne ( Australia )
Death seems so final, but is it?
The faithful man Job asked, " If an able bodied man dies can he live again?" (Job 14:14)
" I have hope toward God…that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous." (Acts 24:15)
" And He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore, the former things have passed away." (Rev. 21:3,4)
Hello Diana,
I found this beautiful song "Ailein Duinn" [Dark-haired Allan] while looking for sites that teach Gaelic
I want to share it with you, in hopes it will act as a muse while you're writing Book Eight. A version of it was used in the movie Rob Roy. With your permission, here's the link:
It's funny how you can inspire a young college-educated woman, quadrilingual, seemingly rational, to go from reading your books numerous times, to carrying the hardcover editions across three continents and back (for summer reading, or rather rereading), and to finally decide to self-learn Gaelic…Keep it coming, thank you!
It is very ironic that my son, who is a United States Marine, happened to land in Afghanistan to fight in this war on September 11th? Please add him to your prayer list. God knows who he is!
Hello,I found your blog here on LJ and I wanted to say thank you. My husband purchased the first three books of the Outlander series for me this past Christmas. After having to order the next three already, I am in awe. There are just no words to convey the brilliance of your stories. I have had the privilege to surround myself with these six books as well as the Outlandish companion and I cannot wait to get to the next one. You are without a doubt the best storyteller, I have ever come across. BTW, my husband has a Scottish heritage, although, that was long before him, but after the descriptions of Jaimie Fraser and the large size of my own husband, he's getting a kilt weather he likes it or not! Take care and keep fascinating us all.
Hi Diana, I'm a huge fan. I started reading Outlander last Nov and havent stoped since! i have finnished all 6 books and am working through the Companion. I cant wait for The Exile. I'm hoping in your next book you mention something about the ghost in the kilt from "outlander" when I realized who it was(or might be) I got goosebumps. I hope this isn't part of the story that gets lost… You are a wonderful author and have spoiled me for others. I am looking forward to seeing you in San Diego on Sept 29th, do you know the time and place yet?
C U soon!
Dear Mirka–
I'm so sorry for the loss of your son. If you have anything specific you'd like to have in Gaelic, I'd be happy to ask the nice person who helps me with the Gaelic translations for the books. (Perhaps you could use, "Ist tu fuil, o' mo chuislean" — which means "You are blood of my blood" (noting that both "fuil" and "chuislean" mean "blood"–but "chuislean" means "heart's blood," and implies both kinship and love.)