I’ve mostly been staying home and writing this month. Yes, am definitely working on both SCOTTISH PRISONER and Book Eight [g]—though this week, most of my work time has been devoted to reading/correcting the galleys for THE EXILE—for which the cover art has just been released! (Yes, yes, yes, Claire should indeed be wearing her shoes here [g], and with luck, that will be fixed along with a number of other small things. And the flashes among the rocks are musket-fire.)
I’m doing a few appearances/jobs this month, but most of them are not public functions (I’ll be giving the keynote speech at the Glyph Awards banquet, for instance—this is the annual dinner for the Arizona Publishers Association—and judging undergraduate science presentations for Northern Arizona University’s UGRAD program; also meeting with the committee of judges for the Agassiz Prize for Science Writing, which I (and a couple of like-minded scientists) fund and support).
The one thing that _is_ public is a book-signing held as part of the local RWA chapter’s “Desert Dreams” conference (I’m doing a workshop for them, too, but that’s open only to conference attendees). That’s this Saturday—April 17th—at the Chaparral Suites hotel, and the mass book-signing (attended by _all_ the published authors at the conference, not just me) will be open to the public.
Owing to the large number of people participating, the bookseller can’t bring _all_ the titles for everyone, so they asked me which of my books I’d like to have available for sale. They’ll have OUTLANDER in hardcover and trade paperback, ECHO in hardcover, and THE OUTLANDISH COMPANION (hardcover), but if you would like to bring your own books to be signed, too, that’s totally OK by me.
The book-signing runs from 5:45 – 7:00 PM. See you there!
That's not crazy at all! I feel the exact same way! I think anything I see might take away from how wonderful everything is in my own imagination. That's the same reason I would rather not see the series made into a movie or miniseries. It's just too perfect already!
I was so excited to go to the book signing in Scottsdale this weekend then got he stomach flu.
I was feeling a bit better so I was laying outside on the hammock sulking and reading my favorite parts from Outlander. I had to go inside the house really quick and when I came back the sprinklers had turned on and drenched my book.
So, I'll be the one at the next book signing in Phoenix with the waterlogged copy of Outlander. LOL!
Claire does have shoes on in that picture. You can't see them unless you enlarge it on the screen, but they're definitely there.
It looks great!
I just realized that you could leave comments here. My comment: I absolutely LOVE this blog!!!! Thanks Diana!!
P.S. I LOVE the cover! I can't wait for the graphic novel!!
I can certainly see brown, low-heeled shoes when I enlarge the picture. I am so excited about The Exile! The artwork we've seen so far is dead gorgeous and Jamie and Claire look *very* much like I imagined them, so I'm glad that my mental images are in the ballpark, so to speak. I know I will enjoy Murtagh's point of view, he's such a salty guy, however dry his humor is. Diana, you absolutely rock, but we really *must* discuss An Echo in the Bone. I have dire questions & concerns. Also, the recent pics of you are truly lovely. Thanks for all you do, your humble thrall, Amy
cover art looks GREAT!!!
I hope they switch the gun to Jamie's left hand, unless he shoots righty.
This has nothing to do with the graphic novel, but i am watching "america" on the history channel and they just talked about simon fraser being killed! It's strange how these things just make me want to read echo again.
Dear Saqqara–
My guess is that he can probably shoot with either hand. [g]
I saw Claire's shoe too. I cannot wait to buy it and the next Lord John book!
I like the depth of the picture, one could almost fall right into it, and the way Jamie's leg is tucked protectively over Claire's foot to help her stay on. Looking forward to it! But.. whatever will we read this summer?
I have been reading Stieg Larrson's "Millennium Trilogy". He was in the process of writing #4 (with 6 more planned) when he passed away. My question is, would you want another author to finish the Outlander Series if for some reason you couldn't. The first 6 books could stand on their own. Echo has to many unanswered story lines dangling.
Dear Sharaf–
By no means. Y'all had better just hope nobody runs over me on the way to the grocery store. [g]
Diana don't ever die!
I can't wait to get the graphic novel!
you've done an amazing work.
I do see Claire's shoes btw.
Diana,Love your work, can't wait to see the people you think look like J & C – I want Chris Hemsworth to play Jamie in the worst way – watch the first 12 min. of Star Trek Movie 2009 – you'll see what I mean – give that man auburn hair and he is it! To me Jason Isaacs is it for Frank/Black Jack – and Emily Blunt for Claire – but whomever would have to be awesome with Jamie (Chris) and that would have to be tested of course! Get that cast right and we'd have a brilliant movie, HBO series, etc. We'll take anything! Just like twilight, done right Outlander would take off in a most astounding way!. Jamie & Claire resonate with me vividly! Your writing is beautiful and I can't wait for the next book – I've turned so many people on to them – they're a best kept secret! I hope to meet you! I love my book plate!