I can already hear people screaming, “WHAT? Why are you doing that instead of finishing AN ECHO IN THE BONE?!?” [g]
Well, I am finishing ECHO, as fast as ever I can–and we do now have a pub date for it, too: September 22nd!
Still, it helps to have small things to do for mental distraction other than playing Solitaire, and when a Scottish gentleman named Lord Jamie Sempill came along some months ago and invited me to do a regular blog on Matters Scottish and Literary for his new venture, a website called “Panalba”, I said, “Sure, why not?” (Well, I didn’t know that the launch of Panalba was going to coincide with the Final Frenzy, is why not, but what the heck.)
Anyway, I was flatttered to be asked, and very pleased by the look and variety of Panalba, and have had fun doing the first couple of blogs for that site. It’s a site devoted specifically to Scotland and people who love that country, and features all sorts of fascinating personalities and information. As opposed to this personal blog (where I may talk about butt-cooties or anything else that takes my fancy [g]), the Panalba blog entries that I do will be specifically devoted to Scottish material—particularly things from the world of literature. (Well, all right, my first entry had to do with Men in Kilts, but still…)
I’ve just put up my second blog entry there: “Ye Canna Push Yer Granny Aff the Bus: Scots, Gaelic, and Miscellaneous Accents” — and cordially invite you to come check it (and the rest of the site) out here.
Thank you for this link! What an interesting place PAnalba looks like.
It sounds like a pretty awesome community. Unfortunately, it looks like it’s invitation only at this point, so the content is not accessible.
The site says “Currently the site is in Beta (testing period) and invitation only, please contact us if you would like to be considered for an invitation.”
It sounds quite interesting, but maybe we’re jumping the gun just a bit? Please do let us know when the site is available for public access.
Dear V and Karen–
Let me check. I may inadvertently have used the wrong link!
Dear Diana & All,
I receive "The Gathering" newsletter — and from that I received a link to Panalba awhile back. So, a couple of weeks ago I requested an invitation to the site. Viola — invitation received, and accepted. So, I wouldn't hesitate to request an invitation. If they have enough "beta testers" then they'll just say so — and it seems that the site is just about to launch "officially" anyway.
Added note — I love that the site is run by Scots living in Scotland about Scotland. {g} It's a very cool site! And I was so pleased to find that you were there with very own "blog"!
I too get the Gathering newsletter and also received an invitation a couple weeks ago. I thought about it at the time and felt I already belonged to too many boards however, since you are posting there on a blog
I joined.
Loved your posts, btw. I always find it fascinating, the process you go through for things
I looked around a bit, but will do more when I can browse leisurely. I’m wallacegal over there, just so you know
September 22!! That’s fantastic!! I’ve missed hearing Jamie and Claire! If anyone can work on a book in frenzy time and blog on several different sites it’s you!
Dear Nightsmusic,
I’m “Kristina” {g} on Panalba — we’ll have to say “hey” to each other.
@Kristina, I think I found you and sent you a message
Congratulations on the comic strip and the Panalba blog, Diana.
I’ll write for an invitation.
Also – what is The Gathering newsletter? I haven’t heard about that before? Anyone??
Dear Kristina and night–
Ah, thanks! I can get into the site myself, but didn’t realize they hadn’t _quite_ got the open link up. I just went and checked with one of the organizer, who apologized for not being ready quite as quickly as they thought they’d be when they told me to go ahead and make the announcement!
He says they’ll have a link up that I can post here by sometime this week–and I’ll do that as soon as it’s avialable–but I’m glad to hear that there _is_ a way in, in the meantime.
See you all there!
Diana, I couldn’t find an alternate way to contact you. I just wanted to say that I love your blog! Also, your books are A.MAZING! These books have inspired a love and interest in Scotland for me. I’ve found myself *needing* to learn anything and everything about it. Anyway, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your amazing creation!
Ooooh, sounds like lots of fun. Thanks so much for sharing!
Dear MrsBolt–
Many thanks!
Oh! If you don’t already have a log in, they will send a link if you request. They sent me an invite several hours after requesting one. Thanks for checking into it Diana.
Dear Diana:
I’m always looking for something to read or do while waiting for the next Book. Thanks for this announcement and for announcing Echo’s publication date. Knowing that it’s truly coming takes away some of the pain and uncertainty of life these days.
Thank you, nightmusic. That sounds like a humongous event!!!!!!
Judie, you’re welcomed
And it is a pretty awesome site, isn’t it? I am absolutely amazed at how much of the country is participating in this.
And if my bank account hadn’t hidden all my money and refused to tell me where, I’d be going. Alas, it seems to have developed a censure of its own.
Diana – thanks for the announcement on the pub date — I’m re-reading the books again in preparation for Echo and now I know how to pace myself! And I’m on my over to the other blog to see if I can get in. Oh, and is there a date for the “comic book” (I’m sorry I can’t remember what it is officially called)