I’ve been getting a number of enquiries, since press releases have started appearing about the movie production of OUTLANDER—excited folk asking “Is it true?” “When?” and (I hope you’ll pardon a brief roll of the eyes here), “Who would you cast?” (I couldn’t begin to guess how many thousands of times I’ve been asked that over the last twenty years.)
It’s very early days as yet, but I’ll answer what I can.
Yes, Essential Productions is developing OUTLANDER as a “major motion picture.” (What that means is that they want to make a two-to-two-and-a-half hour feature film.)
And yes, Randall Wallace (the talented gentleman who wrote both BRAVEHEART and PEARL HARBOR—hey, ancient Scots and WWII, how about that?) is writing the script.
No, I have absolutely nothing to say about the casting of the movie. The production people do occasionally ask me what I think of this or that person, but this is simple politeness on their part.
No, I have no control whatever regarding the script.
No, I really don’t want to have anything personal to do with the development of the movie.
Why not? Well, two major reasons (putting aside the fact that producers seldom want the original writer sticking his or her oar in and causing trouble):
1. I have books to write and a family to be with. I can’t be hopping planes every other week or dropping everything else at a moment’s notice to do script adjustments. (I do know that all movie scripts go through many (many, many) iterations, rewrites, etc. in the process of development and filming.) That kind of thing eats your time and sucks your soul, and to no good end.
2. For nearly twenty years now, people have been saying to me, “Oh! I’m dying to see the movie of your books! But I want it to be just like it is in the book!” To which the only possible reply is, “Yeah? Which forty pages do you want to see?”
Obviously, a book of the size and complexity of OUTLANDER won’t fit into a two-hour movie. But it might be possible for a good movie based on the book to exist.
Adaptations can be either good or bad—they’re seldom indifferent—but a skilful adaptation is just as much a feat of skill as is writing an original book or script.
Yes, I could adapt the book myself. With the net result that even if a) no one then messed with the script (and they would; that’s how film works), and b) the end result was wonderful (odds of about 900:1)—ten million people would still email me about, “But how could you leave out that scene?” Or “But why did you change this character?” Or “But you left out my favorite line in the whole book!“
I’d really rather write a new novel.
Now, do bear in mind a couple of things here:
1. Essential Productions have an option on the book. This means that they paid us a modest amount of money and we gave them a span of time, in which they can do anything they want to, in order to put together the necessary financing and logistics to make a movie (that includes hiring a scriptwriter).
We (my agents and I) get a lot of option requests. We decided to grant Essential Productions an option because we like them, we think they understand the book and its central characters, and insofar as such a thing is possible, we trust them to do their best to make it a great movie.
But it is an option.
2. Not all movies that are optioned actually get made. Even movies that have excellent scripts, A-list directors and recognizable stars don’t always get made. Naturally, we hope this one will, because we do like the EP people and think that of all the producers who’ve approached us about the film rights, they have the best chance of succeeding in making a great movie.
But we’ll all have to wait and see what happens next.
And that’s all I can tell you.
Le meas,
P.S. Well, I can also tell you that a) yes, Gerard Butler is a fine-looking specimen of Scottish manhood, even if he is a Lowlander, but b) I think he might have difficulty playing a 22-year-old virgin; c) Keira Knightley would probably make an excellent Claire (she has the accent and the capacity for sarcasm), if she gained forty pounds, but d) James McAvoy is probably a wonderful actor, but he’s only 5’7″, for heaven’s sake. (Mind, none of the production people has mentioned any of these actors to me as serious casting prospects, either.)
Thanks for the update! I just came across an online announcement about this just yesterday and did indeed get rather excited about the possibility of seeing my favorite characters on the big screen. If the casting crew can indeed come up with an actor who would make the ideal Jamie, then I will gladly play the role of Claire. Who needs experience and acting skills?! Ive got the curls and the fat arse!
Just wanting to do my part to help the movie be as incredible as the books.
Thank you for the update.
I usually try to seperate movies based on books I like in my head so I can enjoy both as seperate entities. The only one that ever really annoyed me was The Lost World, because I thought the book was so good, and the movie was nothing like it. Every other one though, including the Potter series, LotR, and Narnia, I’ve been able to keep them seperate and enjoy them both. It doesn’t mean I didn’t note the differences, I just try to let them go if at all possible.
Kevin McKidd is the only Jamie Fraser.
I would over-look Gerard Butler’s age and totally suspend my disbelief if he were cast as Jamie!
Hi Diana,
I have a few questions that you may possibly be able to answer. Please ignore this if you can’t!
First – if it all works out and the movie gets made, will it be called Outlander?
Second – If so, will it be called Outlander in countries like the UK, Australia, New Zealand, etc, where the first book is called Cross Stitch?
And lastly – If so, would you and your publishers take the opportunity to issue a movie tie-in of the book under the name of Outlander in those countries or would you keep it as Cross Stitch?
(And I have no idea why I’m so interested in this, LOL!)
Dear apteryx–
No idea about titles.
The assorted publishers would almost certainly issue a “movie tie-in” edition, because there are any number of cretins in the world who will buy a book _only_ because it’s been made into a movie, and who can’t visualize the characters without a photo of some actor.
That brings us right back to the discussion of redesigned covers, then, doesn't it? I can just see this: ECHO comes out in fall 2009, at which point they either issue it in a matching jewel-tone cover (amethyst with a caltrop on the front? <g>) or re-issue the whole series with new covers. And at some point after that (let's say, just for the sake of argument, a year later?) the movie comes out, and the publishers insist on issuing a special movie tie-in version of OUTLANDER with the actors playing Jamie and Claire on the cover. So much for the idea of matching covers, at that point, because it will then become very difficult for the average person to find a non-movie-tie-in version of the book.
On the other hand, the Harry Potter books never changed their covers for any of the movies. That's an argument you might be able to use, to keep them from putting the actors' faces on the covers.
Wow! Another person who uses the word ‘cretin’ in speech and not just when writing a novel! :bigcheesygrin:
David Tennant needs to be included as some character.
He is The Doctor, after all.
Hummm. Kevin McKidd. Got the eyes and hair color. How tall is he? But Diana is correct, no matter what they do, tall men take up more space and it shows.
I'm one of the least knowledgeable people in the world about actors & actresses. So I went and looked up pictures of a few of the names being tossed around.
Keira Knightley doesn't really look anything like Claire in my mind.
Rebecca Gayheart has eyes that remind me of Claire.
The problem with both of them is that they are both too darn skinny! They both look like supermodels and although I picture Claire as a lovely woman it's not in the supermodel sort of way.
I looked at photos of Kevin McKidd and Gerard Butler. Kevin McKidd more closely resembles Jamie than Gerard Butler. When I look at Gerard Butler I think he doesn't have that ruddy look of a red head. I know you can die the hair and do a lot with lighting but it wouldn't be a substitute for a natural. He might fit the bill for Dougal though…
Well, I loved Kevin McKidd in “ROME.”
On the other hand, not only is he short, he’s even older than Gerard Butler. Remember that the Jamie of OUTLANDER is only 22!
Actually, Kevin McKidd is 4 years younger than Gerard Butler. That said, he is too old, just the right coloring. So the hunt goes on.
Just a thought about the adaptation of books to movies:
When the hype about THE DA VINCI CODE movie was rampant, I recall hearing Dan Brown’s concerns on how to convey the narration of his book into the movie. A book _tells_ a story but a movie cannot _tell_ it in the same manner.
It is a monumental task to re-narrate a book into movie-story telling form. It is critical, though, that it be done well and it wasn’t necessarily done well in THE DA VINCI CODE movie. I totally accepted the plot adaptations made, but something intrinsic to the story was lost in translation and we ended up with a rather pedestrian movie.
As we all know, Diana’s Books are so vibrant and rich, the narration integral, and I would hate to see “O – The Movie” and have it be pedestrian.
Dear Diana,
Thank you for sharing your gifts with your fans, all of whom anxiously await the release of your newest “gift.” I have to agree with those fans who prefer the Outlander playing in my head to anyone else’s version. After listening to Davina’s version of Jamie and Claire in all the books, it was difficult enough hearing a different Jamie voice in the Lord John books – seeing him on the big screen in a face I don’t recognize would probably be an even bigger disappointment. Anyone would have a difficult time trying to bring such enormous characters to life – especially without your input. Please just keep writing and sharing your awesome gifts with us.
Hey Diana!
Well, I’m running a poll on my blog to choose actors. Right now, Kate Winslet is winning for Claire, and Kevin McKidd for Jamie, though there is also interest in Jensen Ackles, who I think would be excellent!!
We all love your books.
Dear Diana,
While I personally would love to see a movie that you were in on and stamped your approval on… I think it awesome that you would rather spend that time with your family.
Either way I’m going to watch it
Thanks for the story!
I am so torn on this. Jamie and Claire are such defining characters who are different people to each one of us.
I think the only way it would work for me is if, NEVER BEFORE seen actors were used. I would have a hard time over looking any well known actor and believing him or her to be Jamie and/or Claire.
I totally agree with the woman who said HBO show!!!! I think it translates well with the Sookie Stackhouse novels and True Blood.
Thanks for the update, Diana. I so hope the movie comes to fruition. Since finding your series, the characters have become a part of my life, much to my surprise since these are the first books I have reread without ceasing.
Maybe I’m an anomaly, but I seem to be able to adapt to different versions of Jamie and Claire within certain limits. I could see Gerard Butler, but I really embraced the image of Gabriel Aubrey as a young Jamie.
Lately I’ve been listening to the audio books (obsessively) and find that Davina’s voice is now a part of my life and I think of her voice when I visualize the characters. Perhaps the same will happen with the movie.
I still prefer actors who have not reached mega celebrity status. Although Jeremy Irons and Huge Jackman would be welcome eye candy.
And I think you are wise in your choices to stay out of the movie making business, especially since I selfishly want you to keep writing more of the Outlander series!
“Yeah? Which forty pages do you want to see?”
I do hope someone makes a movie – I am just curious now to see if they can pull something off that would be acceptable. I’m up for it.